Cookies policy

Last updated: 09/05/2024

Ware cookie

Cookies policy

Ware’s website, like many others, uses cookies: small files that help us improve our website and provide a better visitor experience.


This policy provides information on what cookies are, which cookies we use on our website, and how to switch off cookies, specifically advertising cookies.


We use cookies following our privacy policy.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your web browser's memory on your computer, laptop, or mobile device by a website. It allows the website to store information on your device and later retrieve it, helping distinguish you from other users. All cookie information is encrypted.


What do we use cookies for?

We use traffic log cookies to identify which web pages are accessed. This helps us analyse web page traffic data and improve our website, tailoring it to better meet individual customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes, after which the data is removed from our system.


What kind of information do we collect with cookies?

When you visit our website with cookies enabled, we may collect information including but not limited to:

  • Internet protocol (IP) address
  • Login information
  • Time zone settings
  • Operating system and platform
  • Information about your visits, including the URL you came from
  • Country or region
  • Search terms used on our website
  • Pages viewed or searched
  • Page response times
  • Download errors
  • Length of visits to certain pages
  • Page interaction information (e.g. scrolling, clicks, and mouseovers)
  • Methods used to navigate away from the page


How do I turn cookies off?

You can usually stop your browser from accepting cookies or prevent it from accepting cookies from a particular website. However, this may affect your browsing experience and lower the quality of your web experience.


Typically, these settings can be found in the 'Options' or 'Preferences' menu of your browser. For more details, consult the 'Help' section in your browser. 


This policy is effective as of 1 May 2024. It will be updated periodically.